By Tracy September and Siavash Namehshiri

Birth. Death. Life. 3 stories. Interconnected. Intertwined. Interfaced. Interrelated. When does birth end and death begin? An intricate and confusing arrangement. The path twists and turns back on itself again and again. The complexities and challenges of the human mind. It is a reminder that the journey is not a linear path but a complex and winding journey that requires patience, resilience and … faith. It reminds us to remain humble, open, and receptive to the lessons and wisdom that the journey  can offer.

6 bodies. 3 stories. Infinite resonance. The performance is an active process of unlearning, acknowledging and living with the unspoken, particularly in this part of the world. We often speak of birth and rarely of death and how they are two sides of the same coin. Perhaps there is no coin. Perhaps it’s happening all the time, at the same time, in the same place and space. They are codependent. Through a hybrid collaborative multimodal fusion of creative expressions, the audience gets to witness a playful but reflective syncretic meditation on the Labyrinth of Life

Artists :

Siavash Namehshiri, Tracy September, Reywynx Reya Morgado, Fonce, Irem Vatansever, Martha Mutapay

foto’s by Pooya Kazemi